Monday, April 14, 2008

My Budgetary Aspirations (aka, A Chong Inspired Change)

I have decided to start two budget activities, both inspired by one Ben Chong.
The first thing I have decided to budget is money. Whilst conversing with my friend Ben Chong on the weekend, we found ourselves on the topic of my watch and it's lack of a light. This was because it was the cheapest watch I could find. That prompted the previously mentioned Ben to ask "what if that's how you chose everything you bought, except food?". Good question, and not a totally bad idea. This got me pondering about money and how much I spend. So, for the next two weeks I am going to note all the money I spend, and what it's on. Then in the weeks following, I shall try in a variety of ways, to reduce it. The plan so far is to set aside the money I save each week for something. I have a feeling that Ben's original ponder was on the topic of how we live in excess in this most luckiest of countries, so perhaps I give it away. Or I just us it to live, as money is not something i have heaps to spare, we'll see.
The second thing I am attempting to budget is time. Also an idea of that Chong kid, I am working on a time table so that I stop waisting so much time. I recently spent a week without my computer. This greatly reduced my time killing capabilities, and the week was very productive. So now that my computer is back, my goal is not to let it steal all my time again. My time table is still a work in progress and it has a degree of flexibility as I like when plans change. Also, I have been finding lately, that a lot of my days turn out nothing like I could have planned, and I enjoy this.
I have tried to achieve similar goal to both of these before, but I am feeling good about this, and I am hoping that my putting my aspirations out in this (somewhat) public space will help me stick to them.

P.S. Sorry Chong I only got to 5, now 6. I didn't really try that hard.


B.C. said...

Firstly, Ben Chong X 94. Now you are up to quota.

I like your monetary idea, I think it's a really cool experiment. It might really hit home for all of us if the excess turns out to be massive, which I have a feeling it is.

Timewise, I'm hoping my timetable keeps on working too, because it leaves me with more energy and feeling of a well-used day than if I just make it up. Sometimes I like doing that, which is cool, but if I made it up all the time I'd be very wasteful of my time too. And unlike money, you can't get that back.

...Ben Chong.

B.C. said...

PS. I'm loving my new role as a label on your blog.

David said...

I'm liking the time table. I'm very good at sticking to it, but just having a set amount of time alocated to each task for the day is helpful.

you have joined an exclusive club as a label.

some girl said...

Ben Chong seems to be a motivational tool!

Yay, this is all good and fun and productive and yay.

I hope your time-tabling goes well! I can never stick to one.

Also, point of funniness: I have to type a 'word verification' to comment your blog, and these letters I have to type spell 'pupnek'.
It just looks funny the way it's written, y'know?
You don't?
Oh... um... oh.

David said...

i didn't even know my blog has one of the varificatiom things. I hate them...

Daph said...

Ahhh, I once tried using a money budget thing on my PDA.

I got sick of writing everything in and the amount I spent on food each week was just too depressing.

But I like your idea of not wasting so much time on the computer...cos it really does suck away three hours of my day...

A noble ambition. I wish you well!!