Monday, December 20, 2010


I had always assumed that everything has, or at least at some time had, a purpose. I just figured that sometimes the purpose that an item once had was harder to find or see as it has been long since lost and disconnected with. Sadly, this has not held up well in my quest of explanations.

The first this I looked up was why left handed people are called "South Paws". This, it turns out, is linked to baseball as the fields they played on were traditionally facing west, so when a left handed pitcher put his pitching hand out, it was pointing south. Thus, they were called south paws, and it spread from there.

From this success, I moved onto another question that has been troubling me. What is the purpose of the Neck Tie? I had it in my head that I was informed that it was once used to wipe your mouth with, and from there became apart of fashion, loosing all purpose. This didn't feel completely right, so I had hoped that there was some great lost purpose for the tie, but this was not to be. As far as I can find, it is and always has been purely an item of fashion. Wikipedia suggests that it was just an item picked up from one culture to another because of fashion and the modern Neck Tie was simply the adaption of the cravat for a modern factory world.
This Yahoo Answers page suggest it has it's origins in Rome, warn by orators to warm their vocal chords.
This is all very disappointing I feel.

The next question I have; what is, or was the purpose of the collar?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Photos #2

Some more photos.

A Wild Coke Can.

The Fire Hydrant Down My Street

Photos of Instruments
Bass and Drums in the Gazebo

Drums, Bass and Guitar - the band.

If you are loving these, you can see more of the time I have waisted with a camera here.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Productivity is hard.
There is so much else to do.
Killing time is easy,
the more you do it,
the boarder you get,
so you the more you do it.

Even when you see what needs to be done,
not doing it is always easier.
And there are always lots of options,
until you have nothing to be doing,
then there is nothing to kill time doing.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


People. They annoy me. In particular people who treat driving as a right that they have and something that is just getting in the way of doing other jobs. It seems that they don't understand that driving is a complex task and a very dangerous one at that. You are in control of a tone of speeding metal being propelled by burning an explosive fuel, amongst a crowd of other speeding metal bullets being controlled by people. This is not something you can do with your spare attention.
It is also a privilege. It is not a right that you have. What do they think? They pretended to be safe and responsible long enough to get their licence so now they have the right to drive however they like? NO! You have gained the privilege of driving and you should not abuse that.
Example of such abuse, talking on the phone. Talking on the phone takes too much of your attention to do while driving, they have done many studies to show this and that is why it is illegal, not just for fun. Not only is it dangerous, as far as I can tell, it is completely unnecessary. I do not know of anyone that is so busy that they MUST make a call whilst driving. I understand that sometimes there will be extraneous circumstances that create the need, but they are rare.
In my opinion, and of course this is just my opinion, there is rarely a need to be talking on the phone whilst driving and every time I see it, it makes me mad. It is an abuse of the privilege of driving, and arrogantly risking the safety of all the other drivers on the road.

This then got me thinking, if driving is a privilege that they abuse, are there privileges that I abuse? And I have to say yes. My whole life is a privilege, and I am abusing it. There is so much that I could be doing, trying, mastering, failing, experiencing, enjoying and seeing, and I don't think reruns of Friends is they best one. Hell, even the rubbish food that I eat is an abuse of the privilege I have to be in country where I can eat whatever I want without any real worry of malnutrition or starving. So from now on, instead of getting angry at drivers on the phone, I am going to use that as a reminder to stop waisting so much of the privilege that I have.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Photos #1

Some photos that I have taken.
Party Time
Donny Formal Fun times

Down the line

Night time reading

Things to do in this lifetime.

Do you ever here something that puts an idea in your head? Sometimes it is as simple as the action being mentioned, and sometimes it's completely unconnected but starts you down a train on thought that makes you think of doing something.
This is list of things inspired by moments like that. Things that I would love to do before i must resign myself to staying at home and just remaining alive. Sadly I know that I will never do all of them, and that is ok, as this is not a bucket list. I plan to keep adding to it as my mind is brought to more foolish plans. So, in no particular order:

This to do on this Earth:
  • Get lost in a city where I don't speak the language (preferable at night)
  • Get in a taxi and say "Follow that car!" (preferable if I don't the car, or need to follow them)
  • See Looptroop live in Sweden
  • Turn up on the doorstep of an old friend.
  • Kick a door in.
  • Everything I'm told I probably shouldn't.
  • Dunk a basketball.
  • Sell everything that wont fit into one backpack.
  • Be in 3+ countries in one day.
  • Wake up not knowing what country you will sleep in that night.

While writing this list, I have come to realise something. I have done a lot of fun things. As I was recalling things I once wanted to do, or thinking of new things to hope to do, I kept thinking of thing I have already done. This made me smile. But still, there are many more adventures to have.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I have been doing.

I have been preparing for exams.
But more than that, I have been putting off exam prep.
I have also been doing lots of stuff, but very little of note.
I have got a camera.
So here is a photo.
Expect more.
Lots more.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Still here

Hello blog,
This is just a quick note to say that I am still here.
I will get onto writing more, when my life is less full, but for now, it's back to my 4 assignments and director issues.
Hope you are well.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Got to be starting something.

I feel like I should be doing something.
I know I should.

There is lots I have to get done.
But nothing I feel like doing.

I want to do something.
I just can't find what I want to do.

I'm even sure it's something productive.
But what?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How To....Be Heroic in a Garden.

Step 1. Be in a garden.

Step 2. Get into a heroic pose.

Step 3. (Optional). Apply a comic book style affect.

The Result.

This, of a similar formula can be used to other such photos, like:
Contemplative in the garden;
This is a sequel to this photo.

There will no doubt be more.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Slow walkers

Sometimes I get really annoyed that people are walking so much slower that I am. Then i remember that they don't have the same angry electro pumping in their ears.
Just another reason that life needs ambient music, as there is in music. And that s should be controlled by my ipod.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ok, so this movie got even worse.
It is really really bad!
It is almost painful to watch.
Why am I doing this to myself?

This could be a twitter thing.

I am currently watching "17 again".
It is horrible. Simply an awful movie.
But the really sad part is I am not hating the young Mr Efron.
He is actually funny, and not a bad actor.
There is not really much other point to this blog. I'm just a bit bored watching this movie.
So in stead of talking, I am blogging.
That is all.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What I've been doing

This is just a quick picture of what I've been up to...

Not thinking, just playing with photo booth.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Exit Order (For a Bus)

This is the issue that has been bugging me the most over the last week, and right now is the thing that I would like to change most about the world. Or at least, my world.
And I know that writing a blog to a pretend audience will not change anything, but venting written verbal style is better than nothing.

So this issue arises on the bus. I have in counted it most on the shuttle bus between campuses at uni. It all starts when the bus is popular. You can see it coming. Everyone is lined up, you are towards that back of the line, and you start to think, "We are not all going to fit on here, at least not in the seats".
It's not what you are thinking at this point. I don't mind standing up on the bus, some one has to do it and if I got there late, then it's me. That's fine.

The problem that I have comes when it is time to exit the bus. I have noticed that everyone wants off the bus, and as fast as they can. I understand this, and am desiring the same thing most of the time. What I can't stand is when the people sitting in the first half of the bus stand up straight away and push their way into the line of already standing people to get off. If you have been sitting the whole trip, you can wait an extra minute to let the people who have had to stand get off the bus first! Not only is it the polite and right thing to do, it will also mean that the whole de-bussing process will work much better overall. It's just rude and I can only imagine their thought process goes something like,
"I want to get off this bus. I MUST DO IT NOW! I don't care if anyone else wants off, I'M more important. So what if they have been standing up, struggling not to fall over the whole trip, I'M sick of being on this bus, so I'm going to get MYself off as fast as I can."

I just want to yell at them, every time it happens.

Are you still hear?

Just a quick note to say that more blogs are coming.
I have two on my mind now, so this is not an empty promise.
Till then, stay sane.

or not, whatever.