And I know that writing a blog to a pretend audience will not change anything, but venting written verbal style is better than nothing.
So this issue arises on the bus. I have in counted it most on the shuttle bus between campuses at uni. It all starts when the bus is popular. You can see it coming. Everyone is lined up, you are towards that back of the line, and you start to think, "We are not all going to fit on here, at least not in the seats".
It's not what you are thinking at this point. I don't mind standing up on the bus, some one has to do it and if I got there late, then it's me. That's fine.
The problem that I have comes when it is time to exit the bus. I have noticed that everyone wants off the bus, and as fast as they can. I understand this, and am desiring the same thing most of the time. What I can't stand is when the people sitting in the first half of the bus stand up straight away and push their way into the line of already standing people to get off. If you have been sitting the whole trip, you can wait an extra minute to let the people who have had to stand get off the bus first! Not only is it the polite and right thing to do, it will also mean that the whole de-bussing process will work much better overall. It's just rude and I can only imagine their thought process goes something like,
"I want to get off this bus. I MUST DO IT NOW! I don't care if anyone else wants off, I'M more important. So what if they have been standing up, struggling not to fall over the whole trip, I'M sick of being on this bus, so I'm going to get MYself off as fast as I can."
I just want to yell at them, every time it happens.
1. Wait for other people to get off before you get on the bus.
2. Always thank your bus driver.
3. Don't sit in the aisle seat and block the way for someone to get to the window seat, it makes things awkward.
Thanking the bus driver, that is not done enough.
Not at all. I once considered making a standard 'thank you' card that I would give to all of my bus drivers, y'know, something cool looking that says 'Hey, you're great, thanks for putting up with all the sh***y abuse of the transport system and all the crazy people and still smiling at me.'
But thought it might be going too far/couldn't be bothered.
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