Sunday, August 31, 2008

Let's Take The Long Way Home

Well that worked out well. I felt like blogging, as it's years. I had nothing I really wanted to say, and when that happens I usually just use whatever song is playing as the title. This title worked quite well as I went home for the first time in almost 19 weeks yesterday.
It was good to see the place again. I has seen my family since then and I went away with my parents for a week in the holidays, so it's not that bad. I got to hang out with my brother a bit which was cool. I also went out to my grandparents farm and mowed their lawn. It was fun, because they have a very ruff farm lawn and a ride on lawnmower. I had a great time taring around the place, and my brother had to go around with the push mower and get the spots I couldn't (or missed). I also got to hang with my good mate Daryl, with I was really happy about.
Also, at the murder mystery night I refused to give my middle name. (oh, went to a murder mystery night tonight. It was good fun, well done and I picked the murderer straight off. Not by any clues, but just by gut feeling). I don't know why I didn't give it. There is no reason, I don't really care, there is nothing embarrassing about it, I just chose not to. The thing is now, that I have set up that I didn't want to give it, so now I will continue to not give it (at least to those people). That's no real inconvenience or anything, there's just not reason, and I feel it would be really odd to just tell them now, after I wormed so much getting out of telling them tonight.
This, I realise is a very, very small. . . I was going to say struggle, but it's not even worth that. It's really just a thought or consideration, but it was on my mind.


Kyla said...

'those people'?? I get no credit for anything! I'm considering pretending I don't care anymore so that you won't notice when I use my amazing skills to subtley find a way to learn your middle name. Not that I care.

David said...

Ha! and now I'll know.
I did the samething just now with getting my picture taken. I refused to let my friend take my picture. I didn't really care.

David said...

That is a true, true statement.

some girl said...

Would you describe it as... truazy?

David said...


some girl said...

Good. I'm glad there's absolutley no confusion.

David said...

None at alazy

some girl said...


Amy said...

hey! its me stalking you as promised.
I had a friend that refused to tell people how old he was or when his birthday is, for pretty much the same no-reason. As a result, there are some people that think hes currently 18, others that think he's 33, or any age in between that. I still don't know, its infuriatingly like those conundrum puzzles (eg. You throw away the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, and throw away the inside. What was it?)

Amy :)

some girl said...

BLOG. More.