Sunday, June 1, 2008

Beyond the Sea


David said...

In an attempt to be creative and different (as with the picture) the post is all in comments.

David said...

I was thinking tonight that if someone could solve the peak hour traffic problem, they could also get world peace.
Just think about it. Peak hour traffic is lots of car all trying to go as fast as possible but the very fact that there is so many, all with slightly different rhythems as such, they all go really slow. It's the same with most of the world.
Most of the world has great ideas about how the world should be run. They (well a lot) involve a religion and and basic idea of peace and humanrights. But as they are all slightly different and sometimes appear to be diametrically aposed, we just end up in a global traffic jam.

David said...

Sort of. Just a thought I had.
I also like how excited my friends from Qld got when they saw the fog.
I also also like the days when you are feeling down about the troubles in your life. Then you realise that your troubles are so very small. They seem huge to you and they still suck to experience, but they are just so small.
I live in the most beautiful country, a life that is so rich with friends and opportunity. And your whole outlook picks up. THen, at least for a while, you look at your world with such joy and your troubles don't bother you as much as you are just happy to be.
They are good times.

David said...

Well that's about it for the actual post.
The only problem now is, where are people going to comment?
I guess you are all just part of the post.

some girl said...

Ooh, so now I'm part of you blog post!
Very interesting points there, Dah-vid. Also, I like the picture.

Mmm, sometimes I think my troubles are big, sometimes I think they're small... it varies. A lot. Like from minute to minute.

Daph said...

hey, cool...

I once read that scientists researching mass movement found that the whole 'ant' theory is actually more efficient when getting people from know, scurrying off in your own direction without the hindrance of traffic lights and other signals. Of course, ants don't honk or scream or get out and smash your little AntMobile with a crowbar so it's probably different for them...

i like what you said about experience btw:

"I also also like the days when you are feeling down about the troubles in your life. Then you realise that your troubles are so very small. They seem huge to you and they still suck to experience, but they are just so small. "

so true. i, amongst the like-minded people of my generation, am probably getting too self-focussed...

Daph said...

P.S- that picture is uber-awesome btw! where'd u find it?

David said...

That picture was found on my friends camera after I took it at the pub.

B.C. said...

As your blog account(able)ant, I am sending you a friendly reminder that you should blog more.